Preschoolers Have Fun with The Littlest Pair


JEC Early Childhood Builds a Life-Sized Teiva

Last Thursday the whole Early Childhood gathered together in the gym for an exciting teiva party! First Morah Lani Krausz, the director of Early Childhood, read “The Littlest Pair” by Sylvia Rouss, and the children called out the appropriate rhyming words. Then, each class was given different shapes to color which created a beautiful rainbow. Finally, the classes were given construction hats and hammers and added their very own collage, that they had worked on as a class earlier in the week, and attached it to the teiva. The children were able to see firsthand the benefits of working together as a team. Each class had the opportunity to come up onto the teiva and take some awesome pictures. JEC truly thanks the grandparents in the Nachas Circle who sponsored this amazing Rosh Chodesh event. From the The Jewish Link of New Jersey, a forum for the growing religious communities in the Bergen, Middlesex, Essex & Union and Passaic Counties in New Jersey, November 8, 2019.