Join Emma for her video reading of “Sammy Spider’s First Day of School”

Join Emma, of the Georgia Beta chapter of Pi Beta Phi at Emory University, for her video reading of “Sammy Spider’s First Day of School”. Read>Lead>Achieve promotes literacy all over the United States, inspires a lifelong love of reading and helps kids unlock their potential! Click here to go to the complete Read>Lead>Achieve list of virtual readings! 

The ever-curi­ous Sam­my Spi­der, star­ring in his 11th title Sammy Spider’s First Day of School, drops down from the ceil­ing, where he lives in a web with his moth­er, and hitch­es a ride to Jew­ish preschool in Josh’s back­pack. ​“Bok­er Tov! Good morn­ing!” says the teacher, who uses the sto­ry of Noah’s Ark to engage the chil­dren in a dis­cus­sion about ​“an impor­tant Jew­ish val­ue”— kind­ness to ani­mals. But when the lit­tle spi­der is dis­cov­ered, a child wants to step on him. Josh picks Sam­my up, shows his class­mates there’s noth­ing to be afraid of, and they then take turns hold­ing him. Josh’s moth­er is proud that he has helped his class­mates under­stand what it means to be kind to ani­mals, and Sammy’s moth­er is hap­py that her son has made lots of new friends. Review in Jewish Book Council, 2012.

Click here to down­load the Sam­my Spi­der’s First Day of School Read­ing Guide from PJ Library